Monday, April 30, 2012

Shealey Ray

This sign project has been an utter challenge, so many routes you can go with a blank sign, how is one suppose to choose. At first I was contemplating a humorous sign, spark some laughs, but now I lean towards the idea of a sign sparking some thought instead. So, with that said, my sign reads a quote I stumbled upon years ago and altered to my liking, You can go anywhere in the world from where you're standing. Right here. I find this to be literary beauty and speaks such truth. The world is overflowing with lovely opportunities and so much life to experience, but one must be willing to take risks and step outside their comfort zone. Adventure starts with a single step, but are you going to take that step? 

Location: Mounted to the brick wall in the alley way next to the Uptown Diner, downtown Missoula. 

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