Friday, May 4, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Zach Mauer

I've always enjoyed telling people not to do something, because the end result is (generally) that they do it anyways. My sign plays with the affects of reverse psychology. I'm telling the populous not to do something, and I'm eager to see what their reaction is. Can you resist the temptation to disobey? My sign will be located on 39th street, very close to the church and martial arts center, enjoy.

Sean Luwe

We are always being watched, by our parents, our bosses, our religions. So I took it a step farther. My sign is a UFO with the words always watching. I wanted to keep a classic sign look so I used yellow and black much like the caution signs and applied it to something you can't be cautious about. (Seeing as though there is no proof of extraterrestrial life but no proof against it either, its impossible to know if it really is watching you.) I also wanted to place it in a strange place so i picked an alleyway next to campus. It's frequently used so it will be seen but no one will be expecting a sign saying they are being watched.

In the alleyway between McLeod and University.

Jack Carol

For this project, I ended up finding an actual road sign, as well as creating my own. I decided to have the two signs play off of eachother, and also have the signs be a play on words. My signs will be in the alley located near Frontier Space.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Angela Shope


Tricia Pardee

In many ways, my mind, as far as our final assignment for 2D is concerned, is still absorbed by our last assignment, that of propaganda. During the process of that assignment I though about all the different ways that people construct and destruct the biased messages we wish society to adopt. Throughout my developement of that project I had dificulty deciding which side of that line I wanted to be on as well as wondering when those paths crossed, which they clearly do.  These thoughts lead me back to themes about the concept of "rule" that stem all the way back to our first collage project in this class.

 I scrounged up out of my sister's garage to use for this project, having been one of her husbands trophies of juvenile delinquencies of yore, a wonderful, very large intersecting street sign. Immediately I knew that I wanted my sign to have an alterable quality that invited interaction with passersby. Throughout the processof the propaganda, the defacing of such seemed to me as much a part of propaganda as the message itself and I felt irresistably drawn to provide an opportunity to deface or alter a sign that, in ways similiar to how propaganda tells you where or how you should be, tells you where you are. I think it's interesting that when one defaces propaganda it's usually in protest against it's ideology, but also against rule. The defacing of a sign can protest rule, but alternately achieves the opposite effect on a street sign, acting as though a protest or a suggestion of questioning accepted reality, and perhaps a biased acceptance or perspective of such.

Location: In the tree outside of The Dark Room on the corner of Higgins and Main

Monday, April 30, 2012

Alyssa Mostad

My sign is a large magnifying glass, similar to the search tool used by Google. I did not want the sign to be eye catching, I wanted it to be subtlety humorous to those who notice it.
My sign is located on the dumpster behind Food For Thought on the corner of Arthur and Daly.

Thomas Hanchett

I didn't really have a deep meaning in mind with this project. I just wanted something humorous or clever. I decided to go with a play on words. My sign is hanging near Edge of the World on 618 S. Higgins.

HannaH bourke

.WAR-personality crISIS.

    Anima, Jung believes, is the inner unconscious- the true self of an individual. The communication between the internal unconscious and external persona is essential, to develop a sense of self-image. External agents effect internal perception. Behold, the dual-sided sign, hanging in the alley between Pine and Spruce, one block west of Higgins, which concurrently is the home of FrontierSpace.

Shealey Ray

This sign project has been an utter challenge, so many routes you can go with a blank sign, how is one suppose to choose. At first I was contemplating a humorous sign, spark some laughs, but now I lean towards the idea of a sign sparking some thought instead. So, with that said, my sign reads a quote I stumbled upon years ago and altered to my liking, You can go anywhere in the world from where you're standing. Right here. I find this to be literary beauty and speaks such truth. The world is overflowing with lovely opportunities and so much life to experience, but one must be willing to take risks and step outside their comfort zone. Adventure starts with a single step, but are you going to take that step? 

Location: Mounted to the brick wall in the alley way next to the Uptown Diner, downtown Missoula. 

Jessica Camp

The purpose of my project is to find a way to incorporate the community of Missoula in an interactive themed piece of art.  I have always been interested in finding a way to make art more encompassing and pro-active within a society, and this piece is a testament to that idea. I encourage people to interact with the sign, and use it as a tool in exploring how they view Montana. 
Finished Product

My sign will be displayed in the Frontier Space located in the ally between Spruce and Pine, 1 block west of Higgins behind the Old Post.

Jack Muzzey

I’ve always been drawn to bold imagery.  Lately my art has started to lean in this direction, and this is a direct product of that interest.  Religion will bring up feelings regardless of the viewers opinion, so I chose the image of the crucified Jesus as my image for the piece, with the caption; “This is a sign”.  The sign is up for interpretation and the viewer can take away what they want.  When making this piece I was strongly influenced by RenĂ© Magritte’s “The Treachery of Images” which is the famous painting of a pipe with the caption that reads “This is not a pipe”.  This piece was not created to offend anyone.  It is located in the ally in front of Wardens right across the street from Jimmy John's by the dumpsters.  

Bekah Bailey

I wanted to put something up that would cause people to laugh and smile. It might not be the most socially appropriate thing for a sign to say, however, I don't really care. That is actually kind of the point. I wanted the sign to look like it was supposed to be there before you read it. Something you might not see initially but may discover later one day and wonder how long it had been there.

Check it out at the pedestrian foot bridge that links Jacob's Island to Albertson's.

Hannah Bergman

The past few weeks of my life have been a whirlwind of chaos, as I struggled to piece everything together in preparation for finals. Then a quote came to me through a friend:
"Don't take life too seriously. You'll never escape it alive anyway."
It's probably the best advice I've been given. And probably the best advice I could ever hope to pass along. Therefore, my final project is based around that quote and the idea that no matter how bad things are.. They could always be worse.

Location: Rose Park

Allie Handley

My sign is not designed to inspire great thought or be in any way extraordinary. It simply states "look up and dream" in hopes that when someone reads it they have a small personal moment where they can look back and past dreams they have given up on and have hope that once again they are free to dream.
My sign will be located in an ally way across from the gallery Frontier Space. Off of West Spruce Street.

Angela Shope: "Drift"

I chose to place my sign near the river across from downtown Missoula. I was drawn to the nature aspect- the response to what an "invisible" sign would be. I chose to paint it with poppies and add the word "drift" as what comes to mind when I'm often sitting on the bank of the Clarkfork. My intention is to blend it in with an organic environment so the sign doesnt scream out at whomever finds themselves by the water but instead is part of the surroundings and supports the peace of the area.

Location: Between Bernice's Bakery and the Orange Street Bridge on that sand dune area: 5/4/2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Riley Acker

My sign is bright yellow and reads "I'M ASHAMED OF WHAT I'VE DONE FOR A KLONDIKE BAR." My sign is on a pole behind the Oxford, just off of Higgins. It is southwest and across the street from the Frontier Space located in the ally between Spruce and Pine, 1 block west of Higgins behind the Old Post. I wanted to put this on my sign because I would rather make a stranger laugh than shout at them about my political views.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sydney Faul

Downtown Missoula is a melting pot, an area where you often see many different classes of people intermingling on the same small sidewalks. There is the banker in his finely tailored suit juxtaposed with the broke college student with holes in his jeans or the mother holding the hands of her children. There is the man strumming an old beat up guitar on the street corner, hoping to collect some change in his overturned hat, and the businessman who strides coolly by, not making eye contact. My sign contains a quote by Mark Twain, "A gentleman is someone who knows how to play the banjo but doesn't." I'm hoping it will be seen as a commentary on the expected and acceptable behavior of different socioeconomic classes. It is located on the lamppost in front of El Cazador.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Noah Dubnow

My sign is of a large red arrow pointing up towards a fake video camera. My ideas behind this was to make a sign that expressed the implications that someone was watching, and to give people the impression that they were being recorded on camera. My sign will be located under the bridge that runs next to the Hilton Hotel.

Introduction to the Project

This blog is to be used as a resource for the location and viewing of artwork created by the 2-Dimensional Foundations student of the University of Montana.  These projects will be on view from 4pm-9pm on Friday, May 4th 2012.  Each student will post directions and a description of his or her project. 

This project is the result of research on behalf of each student regarding visual literacy and symbol as used in everyday signage.  Each student has approached the creation of a sign with the intent of engaging the public through surprising and unexpected public displays of visual information. 

Please feel free to use this blog as a sort of treasure map in finding the artwork created by this class.